Are You Being Audited by the IRS?

Schedule a tax review to understand your situation

The IRS has the right to audit your taxes from the past seven years to ensure that the year's tax information was reported correctly and that the reported amount is correct. Going through a tax audit is a major hassle, especially if they find a discrepancy.

Mobile T-A-X and Finances LLC can provide a yearly tax review to make sure your finances are in order. And if you do go through a tax audit, we'll walk you through the process.

Contact us today to learn more about business audits and what you need to do.

Don't sweat an IRS audit

Mobile T-A-X and Finances will be there to walk you through the entire process. You will be contacted initially by mail. The IRS might request additional information about certain items on the tax return, such as income, expenses, and itemized deductions. Then, you'll have to undergo an audit interview at an IRS office or your home, business or accountant's office. You'll either agree with our findings and enter into a payment plan to pay your back taxes, or you'll disagree with our findings and file an appeal.

No matter what, you won't have to go through the process alone. Call 205-379-8450 today to get professional IRS representation.

Call Today To Schedule An Appointment!

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